Investigating the Status of Environmental Indicators in Iran from a Sociological Perspective

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Al-Zahra University


The purpose of this research is to investigate the status of Iran's environmental indicators from a sociological perspective. In this research, an attempt has been made to look at environmental issues from a sociological point of view and to analyze the manner in which issues arise. With the development of technology and industrialization, many environmental issues have arisen due to the gap between man and nature. These issues arise in the context of social and cultural contexts. In other words, in terms of origin and consequences, environmental problems are specific to people and their social and cultural conditions, and therefore environmental issues are social categories. For this purpose, by using the data of the seventh wave (2017-2020) survey of global values ​​and with the secondary analysis method, people's environmental concern and its relationship with some variables such as post-material values, trust in the organization We measured the environmental effects of television use. The findings indicated that younger people, with post-material values ​​and with more education, give priority to environmental protection. On the other hand, a group that is older, less educated and has materialistic values ​​gives priority to economic growth.


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