A Sociological Study of the Relationship Between Idealism of Development and Attitude towards Divorce (Case Study: Married Males and Females over 18 years old)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Economic Sociology and Development, Tabriz University

2 PhD student in Sociology, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran


In recent decades, the family system in developing countries, including Iran, has undergone some changes and transformations due to the influence of the modernization process and the introduction of modern values and development programs. Among these changes, there are high statistics of divorce and the change in people's attitude towards divorce. Now, the main question is that what is the relationship between the process of development idealism and the attitude towards divorce? Using a survey method, the present research was conducted among over 18 year old married men and women in Tabriz city in 2018. The sample of the study includes 600 people who were chosen through the multi-stage cluster sampling method. The findings of the research show that there is a direct correlation between the idealism of development and its components (individualism, rationality, universalism, gender equality, reflexivity and secularization of religious beliefs) with the attitude towards divorce. That is, the increase in the development idealism makes positive the people's attitude towards divorce and the enormity of divorce is paled. Also, among the components of development idealism entered the regression model, only the components of reflexivity and the secularization of religious beliefs were able to significantly impact on the respondents' attitude towards divorce and explain 0.25 of the changes in the attitude towards divorce.


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