The Social Modernization of Citizens and its Effect on the Desire to Participate in the Renovation of Worn-out Fabric

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Social Sciences, AlZahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, AlZahra University, Tehran, Iran


This research is to investigate the relationship between the level of social modernization of citizens living in the 18th district of Tehran and their willingness to participate in the renovation of the worn-out urban fabric. It seems that the social tendencies and values ​​of people in different dimensions of participation for the purpose of physical renovation and speeding up the process of renovation of worn-out urban fabrics is a determining factor. To explain social modernization as an independent variable of modernist approaches in the field of urban planning and urban sociology, and also to explain the desire to participate in the renovation of worn-out fabric as a dependent variable, Ornstein's power model and ladder theory and John Turner's participation classification have been used. By using the survey method, questionnaire technique and simple random sampling with the size of the researched population, it has been tried to investigate the dimensions of this relationship. And by using Cochran's formula, 200 people from the 18th district of Tehran municipality (Shahid Rajaee, Vali Asr South, Sadeghieh) were selected as the research sample. In this research, Pearson's correlation test, independent t-test and F-test were used. The findings show that significance of the relationship of the main hypothesis of the research was confirmed, which means that there is a significant relationship between the social modernization of people and the level of participation in the renovation of worn-out fabric, which means that the residents have the desire to change and progress in an average level. they welcome innovation, and considering the variable contribution of participation in the renovation of worn out fabric as a dependent variable, results obtained from multivariate regression analysis in this research show that amount of changes in dependent variable that is explained by independent variable indicators in Tabbin model is equal 28.0 percent.


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