Investigating Tendency to Pro-Social Behaviors in the Context of Individual Development in Red Crescent and Non-Member Students

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Educational sciences and Psychology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 BA of general psychology, Faculty of Educational sciences and Psychology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


In organizations, attracting volunteer human resources that have a high potential for individual development, have an important share in the social and economic capital of society. Given that one of the main sources and preconditions of voluntary participation is the tendency to pro-social behaviors. The aim of this study was to compare the profile of tendency to pro-social behaviors in the context of individual development among members and non-members of the Red Crescent. The framework of this research was casual comparative descriptive-cross-sectional research method. The statistical sample of the study consisted of 200 Secondary high school female students in the city of Paveh in the academic year 1399-400 who were selected by available sampling method and answered the questionnaire of Prosocial Tendencies (Kajbaf et al., 2010). The research data were analyzed using SPSS-25 software and multivariate analysis of variance. Results of multivariate analysis of variances indicated that tendency to pro-social behaviors of volunteer students (156.57±27.55. p<0.05) were significantly higher than Non-volunteer members in the Red Crescent Society (119.16±22.28, p<0.05). In general, public non-governmental organizations such as the Red Crescent, in order to achieve their humanitarian goals, not only need to attract people with desirable social qualities in helping behaviors Rather, they should try to maintain them by providing the grounds for individual development.


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