Recognizing the Challenges of 150 Years of Development in Iran based on theory "Unbalanced Distribution of Power in the Structure of the Social System"

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD in Sociology, Institute of Social Studies and Research, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



What has been presented in this article, apart from a comprehensive review of the most important historical passages aimed at development in the history of the past 150 years of Iran, which here has the role of expressing the problem; All in the direction of clarifying the theory that was built about twenty years ago in the book "Development and Inequality" And it is necessary to mention that fifteen years after the publication of that book, Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson repaid the same theory in their book entitled "Why Nations fail?", although without any connection with the book Development and Inequality. And it goes without saying that their reading of this theory is expressed in terms of easy and simple access to all the world's information in America with much more comprehensive reasons and evidences. The principle of the theory is that the most important reason for the failure of development efforts and programs in most of the developing countries of the world, including in Iran, is the "unbalanced distribution of power in the structure of the social system". At the end of the article, a comprehensive list of the most important current development challenges in the country is given.


Main Subjects

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