Investigating the Developmental Role of Urban Planning on Urban Crisis Management (Case Study; Tehran)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Socialology, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, AlZahra University, Tehran.Iran.

2 M.S City Management


The role of urban planning and design as the main concepts of urban management for managing the urban crisis, means that all organs and organizations that are effective in organizing and elaborating should be under the control of a single management so that they can manage the city in a balanced way & away from inconsistencies and rework, and create a calm and sustainable environment for citizens. In this regard, the purpose of the present research is to determine the role of urban planning and design in urban management taking into account the conditions of the crisis. For this purpose, the managers and deputies of the 22 municipalities of Tehran city as experts who have relevant experience and knowledge about urban management and crisis components have been selected as a sample for collecting field data through a questionnaire.The results that are based on the research assumptions showed coordination of urban management, urban management capability to deal with crisis and responding appropriately, and coordination of urban management for post-crisis reconstruction is effective.


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