The Resilience of People in the Conditions of the Corona Crisis in Tehran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, AlZahra University, Tehran, Iran

2 Master of Local-Urban Development, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, AlZahra University, Tehran, Iran


This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the level of resilience of people in Tehran against the Corona crisis. People's resilience against the Corona crisis has become an issue that can prevent serious damages from different strata. In this study, the theoretical research model was designed using the theories of Kaempfer's resilience, Bourdieu's social capital, Sarason's social support, and Durkheim's social cohesion (based on Giddens' analysis) and the research was conducted using a survey method. The tool used to measure resilience is a researcher-made questionnaire that was randomly distributed among 416 people aged 15 to 64 living in different areas of Tehran. In the analysis of the data, it was determined that the level of resilience is equal to 3.25, which was measured through statistical tests. The main result of the research is that in the Pearson correlation test, there is a positive and significant relationship between people's resilience and the variables of social cohesion (r=0.461), social support (r=0.461) and social capital (r=0.249) in Tehran. . Also, the regression analysis showed that among the independent variables, two variables entered the equation. The beta of the social cohesion variable was estimated at 0.32, and the beta of social support was estimated at 0.28. Social capital had a significant relationship with resilience in the Pearson test, but it was not calculated in the regression coefficient analysis due to the low beta value of social capital (0.07) and its insignificant effect in the linear equation of resilience. The results of the conducted tests show that women are more resilient than men, and people with older age and higher education level, as well as residents of the northern areas of Tehran, are more resilient.


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